Medical and dental clinic | The new Vingis Medical and Dental Clinic brings back not only a smile, but also a full life

The new Vingis Medical and Dental Clinic brings back not only a smile, but also a full life

We need a beautiful smile not only at work, for our careers, but also in our personal lives, for confidence, openness and a big smile. “It is very important for us that people feel good and live a full life. When patients are grateful and happy, doctors see the meaning of their work”, – say the founders of Vingis Clinic, dentists Audrius and Marija Čaplikai.

The Vingio Clinic in Vilnius, Antakalnis, has opened a new branch in Naujamiestis, Kauno g., since 2021. 22. The area is developing a strong new city centre, with many new residential and office buildings. “We see that people who live or work nearby need not only dentistry but also other medical services. These services are particularly useful for dental patients, as everything can be done in one clinic. Here, blood tests important for dental treatment are carried out, sick leave is granted for complex surgical procedures, vaccinations are given, and it is possible to get a preventive health check-up or a driver’s health certificate,” say the founders of the Vingis Clinic, Audrius and Marija Čaplikai.

The secret of success – a new approach to the patient, professionalism and a family atmosphere

Dentists Audrius and Marija Čaplikas foster a family-like, warm and cosy atmosphere at the Vingis clinic. “We know from customer feedback that 7 out of 10 people come by recommendation because they are satisfied not only with the treatments, but also with the communication. Patients always mention that they are impressed by the extremely friendly staff and the possibility to call the doctor directly if there is a serious problem. In our clinic, the patient is seen as a human being who needs to be helped,” say the clinic’s managers. Patients’ positive feedback and thanks also motivate the doctors themselves. “Feedback is very important, because happy patients mean happy doctors who understand the meaningful work they do”, says Audrius Čaplikas.

Experienced, up-and-coming doctors and a multilingual team

The clinic has built a team of doctors who are experienced, highly practised, inquisitive, willing to learn new techniques and professionally active. “There are doctors who learn something once and apply the same methods for years, and don’t want to change anything. Indeed, to learn, to grow, you need the will and the opportunity. Our team’s strength is development, and our employees often undertake internships abroad,” emphasises A. Čaplikas. Importantly, the clinic’s staff is able to communicate freely with patients not only in their native Lithuanian, but also in Russian, English, Ukrainian and Polish. The founders of the clinic point out that Vilnius is a multinational, multicultural city, so patients are not always comfortable communicating with a doctor only in Lithuanian, because they are not able to talk freely about their problem.

Optimal solutions and the opportunity to finish the treatment you started abroad

If a person has not taken good care of his or her teeth all his or her life, has accumulated a lot of problems, and it turns out that dental problems can be costly to solve, an optimal solution is always offered when you come to the clinic. A. Čaplikas emphasises that the doctors at Vingis Clinic work with different suppliers of medical products, so it is not necessary to choose, for example, implants from a prestigious manufacturer, as there are also cost-effective, but no less high-quality implants. “There are situations where a person has started dental treatment abroad, but for some reason is unable to continue. Not all clinics are able to correct the mistakes of others, work with implant and prosthetic materials from other manufacturers or suppliers, or complete the procedures, because they need certain qualifications. Vingis Clinic accepts such patients, we know how to work with other manufacturers’ products, we know what additional instruments to use or order”, – say A. and M. Čaplikai, who organise their work in a complex way, and are able to see what people need. It is also important to note that Vingis Clinic has the right to use anaesthesia (general anaesthesia) for complex dental procedures.

Education changes attitudes towards oral hygiene

According to the founder of the clinic, people’s attitudes towards dental problems are changing: ‘We are approached by people who are interested in health problems, who are educated, and who are not just looking for a cheap solution. There are fewer and fewer people who don’t take care of their teeth at all, and only turn to specialists when the only thing left to do is to pull out a tooth because there is no cure.” Dentists have observed in their interactions with patients that there is still a lot of fear and ignorance in this area, and that people often don’t understand what is a normal state of the teeth and gums, and when a “red flag” is raised and it is imperative to go to the dentist immediately. Therefore, the clinic tries to provide patients with as much information as possible about oral hygiene and proper care. There are also leaflets on how to behave after dental procedures. The clinic’s oral hygienist, L. Sviglinskienė, not only performs professional oral hygiene, but also spends a lot of time explaining how to brush your teeth correctly and which brush is needed for which crotch. It sounds trivial, but most hygienists don’t spend enough time on this. To see all the dental problems and make a treatment plan, it starts with a professional oral hygiene. Only after this procedure can you see the real problems or the changes in the teeth that are just beginning – the start of tooth decay, gingivitis, etc.

Replacing a toothless mouth with removable dentures on four implants

A. Čaplikas notes that there are many elderly patients who have lost all of their teeth because dental services were not of sufficient quality before. For those who want more advanced methods of managing their teeth rather than removable dentures, the team at Vingis Clinic offers a solution: non-removable dentures on four implants. “In a single procedure, the remaining root remnants or hopeless teeth in one jaw are removed and four implants are inserted. The composite, titanium-reinforced denture is fixed on the implants 2-7 days after implantation. Chewing function is fully restored within a week. The attached dentures look like natural teeth, which do not need to be glued in place or soaked overnight after removal – the person is spared all these tedious rituals,” says the dentist. Part of the cost of this procedure can be covered by a state reimbursement (starting at EUR 670) from the Territorial Patients’ Fund (TLK) – the contract is concluded by the clinic. If the clinic does not have such a contract, the senior citizen will not be able to benefit from this reimbursement and will have to pay the full price. According to Čaplikas, the Vingis Clinic arranges all the necessary documents, the senior does not need to take care of anything, and does not need to go to the family doctor. The 70-year-old choir conductor, a patient of the Vingis Clinic, used to wear removable dental plates, but, according to him, it was not the best solution – his gums melted, it was uncomfortable, difficult to care for, he could not chew hard food well, which also had a negative impact on digestion. “When you have no teeth, you walk around with your nose hanging down, looking at the ground. And when your teeth are as good as new, when you are in a good mood, when you are open to people, you don’t feel your age.” The oldest patient to receive a dental implant is 92 years old. “Although I will feel normal for the rest of my life, I will chew my food better,” he said.

Aesthetic fillings and dental veneers – the white “Hollywood” smile

A beautiful smile is important for many people, not only at work but also in their personal lives. There are two ways to create a white-glowing “Hollywood” smile: cosmetic fillings or dental veneers, which are thin plates that cover the front of the teeth. Dental veneers are more expensive, but of the highest quality, they look identical to natural teeth, and you can even change the colour – from yellowish to dazzling white. Aesthetic fillings also even out the colour of your teeth and restore the beauty of your smile. This method is used when the tooth needs to be restored, lightened, or a prominent filling needs to be masked.
According to dentists, aesthetic-functional restorations are also used to restore the height of the bite – to fill in worn teeth. Such tooth wear is caused by teeth grinding (especially at night) and age-related changes. If the lowered bite is also irregular, teeth straightening is the first step before aesthetic restorations or dental veneers are applied. During the visit, the doctor sees that the patient has problems with gnashing, so night caps are recommended to protect the surface of the teeth and maintain the aesthetic result of the filling for longer.

Drill-free tooth repair and children who are not afraid of the dentist

For patients whose teeth are just starting to decay, the ICON technique is used to treat decay without drilling: it involves filling the superficial layer of the tooth with certain materials to preserve tooth tissue. This innovative method is applied by oral hygienist L. Sviglinskienė, who is very active in dental news and shares her experience and provides training for dentists and oral care professionals. Children are special patients of the Vingis Clinic. Their mothers say they can’t believe that their child enjoyed the clinic so much that he wants to go to the dentist again. “The secret is simple – we take the time to “tame” the child. If he or she feels a lot of fear, the first few times are for getting to know each other, for socialising. Doctors themselves have children, so they know how to communicate with them and create a tension-free atmosphere,” says Čaplikas. Overall, the dental health of pupils is poor. It’s rare to find a child whose permanent teeth are problem-free. There are cases when teenagers have to have dentures because the tooth decay is so deep that it is too late to get a filling. The dentist believes that the attitude of the state should change – oral hygiene for children should be compulsory, compensated by the state. “Flour dishes, fast food and fizzy drinks greatly accelerate tooth decay and enamel erosion. The state compensates for dentures for children, but, as specialists say, dentures are a consequence, and it is necessary to prevent this problem in time – to perform regular professional oral hygiene and to take proper care of the teeth,” says A. Čaplikas. The main goal of the Vingis Clinic is not to sell or sell as many services as possible, but to work in such a way that the patient receives long-lasting services. “When a patient recommends the clinic to others, it is the greatest appreciation of the work of the clinic’s team and a motivation to do even more,” say the founders of the Vingis Clinic, Audrius and Marija Čaplikai.

Do you have further questions? Call +370 692 38498 (Antakalnio g. 40, Vilnius), + 370 666 33607 (Kauno g. 22, Vilnius) or write to

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