Medical and dental clinic | VACCINES (VACCINATIONS)
- Tick-borne encephalitis in adults (Ticovac) Akcija34€ 35 €
- Tick-borne encephalitis in children (Ticovac) Akcija32€ 33 €
- Tick-borne encephalitis (Ticovac) when 3 or more family members are vaccinated Akcija29€ 30 €
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough (Adacel) 49 €
- Pneumococcal infection (Prevenar 13) 89 €
- Hepatitis A (Avaxim) 49 €
- Measles, parotitis, rubella (MMR VaxPro) 39 €
- Pneumococcal infection (Pneumovax) 55 €
- Hepatitis B (Engerix) 39 €
- Human papillomavirus (Gardasil 9) 165 €
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis (Dultavax) 39 €
- Meningococcus B (Bexsero) 125 €
- Typhoid fever (Typhim) 55 €
- Rabies (Verorab) 60 €
- Pneumococcal infection (Apexxnar) 89 €
- Yellow fever (Stamaril) 79 €
- Hepatitis A and B (Twinrix) 59 €
- Chickenpox (Varivax) 69 €
- Flu vaccine (VAXIGRIP/INFLUVAC) 16 €