Medical and dental clinic | Greetings and congratulations to Dr. periodontist Rokas Borusevičius after defending his doctoral thesis!

Greetings and congratulations to Dr. periodontist Rokas Borusevičius after defending his doctoral thesis!

The team of Vingis Clinic would like to congratulate periodontist ROKAS BORUSEVICIAS on the defence of his Doctor of Medicine thesis! The topic of the dissertation written by Roks Borusevičius, MD, PhD, is “Accuracy of dental implant navigation methods and biocompatibility of materials used for emergency prostheses”.

Dr Rokas Borusevičius is available for consultations and performs periodontal treatment, dental implants, bone augmentation and other oral surgery procedures at the Vingis clinic. We are proud of Dr. Rokas Borusevičius’ top academic achievements and are pleased to contribute to maintaining the high level of medical services in Lithuania and to improving patient outcomes.

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